Palets Faura Wholesale Trade Les Borges Blanques Lleida
Palets Faura Wholesale Trade Les Borges Blanques Lleida
Ask us for information and budget without commitment
  • We have a personalized and direct attention from our professionals.
  • Flexibility and experience
  • Palets Faura manufactures all its products with new wood.
  • Palets Faura, SL has a modern and efficient equipment
  • A CAPE automatic nailing line.
  • Two semi automatic dive lines.
  • Two manual nailing lines.
  • Drying / treatment oven NIMP15 standard.
  • Own transportation.
To the seriousness and experience of the company are added three very important reasons for the most demanding companies.

A Formed And Specialized Personnel

A trained and specialized staff that forms a motivated, responsible and qualified team.

A Quality Product

A high quality product at an adjusted price. Our clients in different areas of the industry: paper, chemical, construction, among many others, and agricultural area, find in Palets Faura, SL the balance between always first class product quality and competitive price.

Some modern facilities

Modern facilities of 22,000 m2, of which 3,000 m2 are industrial warehouses, the rest is used for the stoc of wood and finished products and for the location of an own furnace for the thermal treatment and drying of our products.
"company improvement: purchase automatic pallet manufacturing machinery."
Description: The action consists of the acquisition of automatic machinery
pallet manufacturing, with automatic programming.

Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU